Friday, May 20, 2022

Final Week!

 I want to start by saying THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your child with me this school year! I could not have asked for a better first year at St. Peter! I have had so much fun getting to know each one of your children throughout this school year and having the chance to watch them all grow! They have all come so far since walking in those doors back in August! I will be forever grateful for my first preschool class and all of their families!

Here is an insight on how we celebrated our final week of preschool! On Monday, we went for a walk by the Capitol and had snack in the Governor's Park. We spent some time in the sunshine playing at that park before walking back to school. We also spent our lunch time eating outside in a picnic out by the church. On Tuesday, we tie dyed tote bags for all for all of them as a keepsake to help remember preschool! This was a lot of fun! On Wednesday, we had an all preschool dance day! We had two parents from the other two preschool classes come in and teach us some fun dances! We also got to play with shaving cream! On Thursday, we had Summer Blast Off! We also played water games after! On Friday we got to say good bye and play in three year old preschool one last time! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Summer! I cannot wait to see you all again next year! 

Week of April 29th- May 3rd

It is hard to believe that we are looking towards the last two weeks of school! This week we talked about the zoo, learned the letter Zz, th...