Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Week of September 20-23

What a beautiful first week of fall it was! We learned the letter Ff, the number 5, the shape of a rectangle, and the color blue. Our theme this week was Welcome Fall! On Monday, we practiced our letter F and used the paint dobbers to trace the letter F. On Tuesday, we practiced our fine motor skills and ripped red, orange, green, brown and yellow paper to create leaves in our beautiful fall wreaths. On Wedesday, we made our happy fall crowns that we wore around throughout the day. We also did our F is for fingerprints page for our alphabet book that we are working on! To enjoy the first day of fall we took a walk after naptime to look at the trees and spend some time soaking up the nice fall weather! We got to look at some of the leaves that have fallen and roll down big hills! It was fun watching them enjoy the cooler weather! On Thursday, we used tin foil to paint leaves in our bare fall trees! Enjoy them as we are hanging by our classroom door! Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Firday September 24th. Enjoy your longer weekend! Below are some of the photos from this week! I can't wait to see everyone again on Monday! 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Week of September 13- 17

So much learning and fun happened this week. Our focuses of the week were the letter Aa, the number 4, the shape of an oval and the color green. Our theme this week was also way up high in the apple tree and we learned all about apples. On Monday, we read " A Day at the Apple Orchard". Then we used our paint dobbers to trace the letter A. We read a book about germs and how they make us sick in science. We are really working on making sure we are covering our mouths and doing a great job about washing our hands. They are getting good at reminding themselves and their friends to use their elbow to cover their mouths when they cough because if they don't they might get sick and have to stay home which makes all of us sad that a friend is gone! On Tuesday, we read "Peppa Goes Apple Picking". Then in center time we going to stamping apples in our fall tree. We used red, yellow and green paint just like the color of apples! On Wednesday, we read "Fluffy Goes Apple Picking". We got to put an apple puzzle together that spelled their names! On Thursday, we read "Pick Me an Apple". We traced the capital and lower case a and even got to try and write it on our own! We also got to try red, green and yellow apples to see which our favorite was! We colored an apple of whichever one was our favorite and hung it on our apple tree! We then counted to see which apple was the classes favorite! The favorite apple for us was green. On Friday, we read "I am an Apple". All together we made applesauce in the crockpot in our classroom!! Just a reminder that there is no school next Friday, September 24th. Enjoy the photos from the week! I will see you all on Monday! Enjoy your weekend!


Week of April 29th- May 3rd

It is hard to believe that we are looking towards the last two weeks of school! This week we talked about the zoo, learned the letter Zz, th...