Friday, December 30, 2022

Week of December 12th -December 16th

What a fun week! Our theme this week was Merry Christmas. We learned the letter Cc, the color green, the shape of a star, and the number 5. We started out the week boarding the Polar Express. We celebrated pajama day, worked on our special projects, and watched the Polar Express accompanied with hot chocolate and cookies. On Tuesday, we celebrated a Hawaiian Christmas day! We spent the day feeling tropical despite the rain, watching Frosty, and building gingerbread houses! On Wednesday, we celebrated Grinch day with Ms. Brittney's class by watching the Grinch together and celebrated as a whole school at our monthly praise assembly! On Thursday, we wrapped our secret projects, we got to watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, listened to some 6th graders read us some Christmas books and celebrated Las Posadas as a whole school. We got to celebrate Leanna's birthday since we won't be together for her actual birthday. On Friday, we embraced the chaos and spent the whole day celebrating Christmas cheer! We played Christmas games and watched "The Star" with Ms. Jay's friends. The students even got to decorate their very own sugar cookies! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent in drinks and treats for our week long Christmas parties!

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I want to thank you all for the amazing first four months of this school year! I am looking forward to the new year to continue to watch all of these wonderful kiddos grow and learn! 

Enjoy the photos from our week of Christmas craziness! 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Week of December 5th-December 9th

One more week until Christmas break! Where has the first four months of school gone? This week our theme was Gingerbread boys and girls mixed with a little hint of Christmas. :) On Monday, we read "God Gave Us Christmas". During center time, we made ornaments to decorate our class Christmas tree. On Tuesday, we read "The Christmas Story". During center time, we added the second candle to our advent wreath and talked about the meaning of candle two, peace. They also did a wonderful job performing at the Capitol! Thank you to all who came and watched them perform! I have linked below the Youtube videos of the three songs that our students say at the Capitol. They sang Jingle Bells Jesus, Oh What a Special Night and We wish you a Merry Christmas.  On Wednesday, we read "A Star So Bright". During center time, they made their very own gingerbread boy or girl! They got to get creative using beads, pompoms or glitter! On Thursday, we read "The Snow Angel" During center time, they began working on their gingerbread paper houses! We finished them on Friday! This is in preparation for the real gingerbread house we are going to build on Monday that will be displayed in the big school with the other classes that are participating. On Friday, we read "God Bless Our Christmas". We spent part of our morning having P.E. class with Ms. Jay's friends! They learned a new game called "Cat and Mouse. During center time, I got to sit down with all of my little ones to have them show me what they have learned this school year! They have all worked so hard and made so many gains since the beginning of our year! I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will see you all on Monday for our Polar Express day! Enjoy the photos and videos from this week! 

Here are the links to their performances:

Dates to remember in December:

  • December 13th is an early out! There will be no after school care that day!
  • December 16th is an early out to begin Christmas break! There will be no after school care that day.
  • I have placed a sign up sheet for our week long Christmas snacks that we will be doing the final week before break. 
  • The following are our dress up days for next week:
    • Monday-Pajama Day
    • Tuesday-Hawaiian Christmas
    • Wednesday-Grinch Day or wear green
    • Thursday-Comfy clothes day
    • Friday-Ugly sweater day
  • December 16th will also be our Christmas party day. 
  • There is no school December 19th-January 2nd.

Week of April 29th- May 3rd

It is hard to believe that we are looking towards the last two weeks of school! This week we talked about the zoo, learned the letter Zz, th...