Friday, August 18, 2023

Day 3

That's a wrap on week one and man did it go by fast! I want to start by saying thank you to all of you for helping make this first week transition in to school a smooth one! I know some mornings can be rough but we all got through it together and finished each day with a smile! I don't know about your little one but I am exhausted after a short week of learning and starting our year! We wrapped up our first week with learning more of our routines that we will be doing this school year, continuing to make new friends (both in our classroom and in the other classes), and playing in our room and on our playground! After this week, I will move my blogs to being posted on every Friday! However, if you ever have any questions or concerns about a day feel free to reach out to me and I will get back to you as soon as possible! 

I have sent home red bags, inside the red bag you will find their white cot sheet, and water bottles to be washed and returned on Monday! 

Upcoming August Events:

  • Praise Assembly- August 25th
  • Fire Drill-August 25th
  • Fall Pictures- August 31st

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Week 26

I hope everyone had a good couple of snow days and stayed safe and warm. On Thursday, we combined with Miss Jay's friends and got to spe...