Saturday, September 14, 2024

Week 5

This week was all about the color YELLOW! We spent the week coming up with a variety of different yellow objects that we know! On Monday, we made yellow baby chicks out of their little hands! You can check these out as they are hanging on our windows! On Monday, we celebrated with the whole school the 60th anniversary of Vogelweid Learning Center with popsicles and a dance party! On Tuesday, the kiddos used bingo dobbers to fill in their bee hives. Once they were dry we added finger print bees to them! On Wednesday, I worked with each kiddo one on one to practice tracing lines. This is going to help us in the long run once we start practicing tracing our names and letters! This is a simple activity that you can do at home to help with pre writing. You can take a light color marker and have your kiddo trace that line with a crayon of a different color. On Thursday, the kiddos worked on coloring in the lines and taking our time. On Friday, we had our fun Friday! During P.E. we practiced our gross motor skills such as balance and hopping. The kiddos took turn racing a friend on the obstacle course! The kiddos are getting really good at waiting patiently for their turn and taking turns. What a great week it has been! I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you all on Monday! Enjoy the photos from the week! Next week is all about the color GREEN!

Week 5

This week was all about the color  YELLOW ! We spent the week coming up with a variety of different yellow objects that we know! On Monday, ...