This week our theme was Penguins. We focused on the letter Nn, the number 9,the color black, the shape of a heart, and the number 9. On Monday, we read "Penguins". During center time, the kiddos used toilet paper tubes and a pom pom to create a penguin family. They started by ripping white paper to make the snow and ice for the penguins to walk on and then added their penguins to the snow! On Tuesday, we read "Flip and Flop". We decorated birthday cards (a day late but who doesn't celebrate their birthday all week long:) ) for Mr. Richard and we celebrated with a little party with Ms. Brittney's friends! When we were with Ms. Brittney's friends, Ms. Brittney taught us all of her snow rituals to help make it snow! We prayed that it would snow and that everyone would stay safe, we learned the snow dance, we dropped ice cubes in the toilet to help it snow and learned that we were suppose to sleep with our pajamas on inside out and with a spoon under our pillow! We talked about how we could do all of the silly snow ideas but ultimately it was up to God with what happens with our weather! We did get snow but just not enough for that snow day. :) On Wednesday, Ms. Brittney started our before care morning with an indoor snowball fight, snowman building and snow angels! We read more from "Penguins" and learned more fun facts about penguins! During center time, we practiced what it means to take our time to do our art work. This means that we tried our best to stay inside the lines, use a variety of colors and make our picture look realistic. We had a snowball fight against Mrs. Trachsel and Mr. Veit. :) On Thursday, we read some more from our "Penguins" book that we have been learning from this week. During center time, we worked on our N is for noodles for our ABC book! On Friday, we celebrated our surprise no school day due to a water main break! I hope you enjoy all of the photos from the week! I will see you all on Monday to begin our Catholic Schools Week fun! Don't forget to check out the important dates below for our dress up themes and any activities that we might be doing.
Important Dates in January
- World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser begins Friday, January 27th.
- Preschool registration forms are due back Friday, January 27th. If they are not back by then the registration opens to the big school, church and public.
- Catholic Schools week begins on Sunday, January 29th. Dress up days and activities list to follow in the coming week.
- Monday- Wear GLOW clothes- anything that will be fun under a black light and be ready to dance the morning away!
- Tuesday-Wear Red! Also bring in 0.75 cents for the snack cart!
- Wednesday- Spirit Wear
- Thursday- Dress down day (You can send in a dollar if you would like to donate to Mary's Meals) and be ready to celebrate our 100th day of preschool!
- Friday-Dress up like your favorite team!
- All week long we will being doing a souper bowl can collection, so send in canned goods all week for your kiddo to vote on who they think will win the Super Bowl (Finger crossed the Chiefs win this weekend!!)
- Scholastic book orders are due January 31st. You can either order online using the code YQHDP or send back the flyer that was sent home this week.
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