Friday, March 31, 2023

Week of March 27th-March 31st

I feel like we have blinked and reached the last week of March already! This week our theme was baseball and we celebrate opening day! We focused on the letter Bb, the number 7, the color red and the shape of a circle. On Tuesday, we read "Good Night Baseball". During center time, we made finger print baseball laces and hand print gloves! Our dress up day was Round for home Tuesday and we wore our comfy clothes to start the week off strong and cozy! On Wednesday, we read " H is for Homerun". During center time, the kiddos made a baseball buddy. We celebrated winning Wednesday by wearing our favorite sports uniforms! On Thursday, we read "Dino-Baseball". During center time, the kiddos made pennants to support either the Cardinals or the Royals. We also celebrated our monthly praise assembly as a whole school. On Friday, we celebrated Fun Day Friday! We played games in P.E. Friday with Ms. Jay and Ms. Brittney's friends. We spent some time outside running around and playing kickball. :) I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I will see you on Monday for a short week! Enjoy the photos from the week! :)

Important Dates in April
  • There will be no school April 6th through the 10th for Easter break.
  • There is an early out on Tuesday, April 11th. There will be no after school care. 
  • Spring gift/cookie dough fundraiser pick up is Wednesday, April 12th. 
  • Morning with Mom will be on Friday, April 14t


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Week 26

I hope everyone had a good couple of snow days and stayed safe and warm. On Thursday, we combined with Miss Jay's friends and got to spe...