Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tuesday, May 16th

There is definitely an excitement in the air for tomorrow's Summer Blast Off! Today we started our morning with our alphabet song, our counting song, and listening to "Last Day Blues". We started our morning by playing with Ms. Jay's friends and watching "Turning Red". We began cleaning out our classroom for the end of the year. After we had our final lunch of pizza in the cafeteria for the school year. We headed back to Ms. Jay's room to finish "Turning Red" and started "Monsters Inc.". Seems so bitter sweet that we have reached the last Tuesday already! We celebrated our last praise assembly of the school year! 

In their cubbies yesterday was a yellow note about what your child will need for Summer Blast Off  TOMORROW! Please make sure to look over it to make sure you have all that your child will need that day! Just a reminder, they are going to need a lunch, clothes to change into, and a towel. If you would like your child to wear sunscreen it would be best to apply it first thing in the morning before school and if you would like it reapplied you can bring it to school with their name on it. They are going to need to wear their swimsuit under their clothes to school on Wednesday. 

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Week 26

I hope everyone had a good couple of snow days and stayed safe and warm. On Thursday, we combined with Miss Jay's friends and got to spe...