Friday, September 15, 2023

Week of September 11th-15th

This week our theme was "Bears". We focused on the letter Bb, the number 3, the color brown and the shape of a circle. On Monday, we read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?".  We had our monthly fire drill and they kiddos did great! During center time, we colored the animals that we saw in our story and then practiced retelling the story. We also began talking about how God created the world! On Tuesday, we read "Bear's New Friend". During center time, we worked on the proper way to form a capital and lower case Bb. We watched the Beginner Bible story of creation. We celebrated Ava's birthday. On Wednesday, we read "Bear Gets Sick". We made connections between our lives and bear and how someone takes care of us when we are sick. During center time, the kiddos painted bear masks! We ate snack outside with Mrs. Jay's friends. On Thursday, we read "Two Hungry Bears". We learned a new big word, hibernation! During center time, we added the letter B to our alphabet book that we are making this school year that will go home once we have learned all of the letters! Today was B is for beans. On Friday, the kiddos celebrated fun and fitness Friday. We celebrated national dot day with Ms. Jay’s friends by making gum ball machines using dot markers. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the photos from the week.

Important Dates in September

  • No school on Monday, September 18th.
  • Book orders are due Friday, September 29th. If you have already placed an order I will submit in on that Friday to give families more time to place an order if they would like!  

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Week 26

I hope everyone had a good couple of snow days and stayed safe and warm. On Thursday, we combined with Miss Jay's friends and got to spe...