This week our theme was "All about me". Our learning focuses this week were the letter Mm, the number 2, the color orange and the shape of a star. We spent the week learning more about each other and learning about what makes us unique! On Tuesday, we read "Chrysanthemum ". We talked about how we each were given a special name from our parents. We listened to a couple of friends share their all about me posters! I also worked one on one with each kiddo on practicing their names. I had them trace their name in different colors. We worked on the proper way to hold a writing utensil. We got to play our Smartboard learning games! On Wednesday, we read "A Bad Case of the Stripes". We had another day of working on our names. The kiddos used q-tips to dot their names practicing how to form each letter! Check these out as they are hanging on our windows! On Thursday, we read "The Name Jar". We talked again about how special each of our names are to us! During center time, we focused on how to form the letter Mm using the bingo dobbers. We ate our afternoon snack outside with Ms. Jay's class because the weather was just too nice to miss out on being inside. On Friday, we had Fun and Fitness Friday. We started our morning off with P.E. with Ms. Jay's and Mrs. Samantha's class. We got a chance to play with some of our new equipment we got thanks to the Mrs. Bell, the P.E. teacher! Father Secrist even joined us at recess. We will miss having him join us occasionally at recess to play and spin the egg on our playground for us! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the photos from the week!
Important Dates in September
- Early out on Tuesday, September 12th. We will open preschool doors at 1:15. There is no after school care on early out days.
- No school on Monday, September 18th.
- Book orders are due Friday, September 29th. If you have already placed an order I will submit in on that Friday to give families more time to place an order if they would like!
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