Friday, November 17, 2023

Week of November 13th-17th

This week our theme was "Happy Thanksgiving". We focused on the letter Tt, the number 1, the shape of an oval and the color brown. On Tuesday we read "Bear Says Thanks". We talked about how Thanksgiving is a great holiday that is spent with family and friends just like Bear did in our story. During center time, I worked with some of the kiddos on them showing me the letters that they know. On Wednesday, we read "Giving Thanks" and we talked all about the things that we are thankful for. During center time, I wrapped up working with the kiddos on their monthly letter assessment. On Thursday, we read "Clifford's Thanksgiving Visit". We talked about what people do and eat for Thanksgiving. During center time, I worked with each kiddo and had them help me create a how to cook a turkey cookbook. I hope everyone enjoyed getting to read their kiddos responses to the questions as much as I did working with them on writing it. On Friday, we had our fun and fitness Friday with Miss Jay's class. We did our stretching, ran a couple of laps, had fun with our obstacle course that included crawling through the tunnel and playing cat and mouse tag! I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will see you for a short week next week! Enjoy the photos from the week. 

You may have noticed that this week I sent home a your child's monthly letter assessment highlighted with the letters to continue to work with at home. On Thursday/Friday, I also sent home a bright pink sheet with some activities that you can try at home to practice letters, along with a half sheet on what to focus on with your child. I appreciate you working with me to help your child learn and grow this school year! 

Keep practicing those jacket and coat skills at home too! I have seen an improvement in them getting their jackets/coats on! Next step to practice at home would be zipping their coats on their own! This is a great fine motor skill practice! 

I kept our nap stuff here at school due to it being a short week next week! 

Important Dates in November

  • Tuesday, November 21st is our monthly praise assembly. The theme for the month of November is Hospitality. 
  • Wednesday, November 22nd through Friday, November 24th is Thanksgiving break. 
  • Mrs. Nikki will be taking her maternity leave starting at the beginning of Thanksgiving break. (November 22nd)
  • Monday, November 27th is a no school day! 

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Week 26

I hope everyone had a good couple of snow days and stayed safe and warm. On Thursday, we combined with Miss Jay's friends and got to spe...