This week our theme was Turkeys! We focused on the letter Rr, the number 0, the shape of an oval and the color brown. On Tuesday, we read "The Great Turkey Race". During center time, I worked one on one with each student on their letter Rr page. We focused on forming the letter Rr, identifying the letter Rr in a group of other letters, and coloring pictures that begin with the letter R. We took advantage of the extremely nice day and had a picnic snack outside. On Wednesday, we read "T is for Turkey". During center time, the kiddos worked on forming their names and getting the letters in the right order. They also worked on counting how many letters are in their name. Check out the turkeys that are hanging on the window! In the afternoon, we had snack outside and then played in chalk with Miss Jay's friends. On Thursday, we read "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey". During center time, we got to go with Miss Jay's class to listen to some of the big 7th graders read to us! We got to see a preview of the fall play, Beauty and the Beast! On Friday, we went to the Veteran's day assembly with the big school. We had our fun and fitness Friday with Miss Jay's class! We did yoga and dancing in our room and made red, white and blue bracelets in Miss Jay's room. We even got to have a special sleepover with Miss Jay's friends in her room! Enjoy the photos from the week. I will see you all on Tuesday! Have a great weekend!
Just a couple of reminders:
- If you have not changed your child's clothes from Summer/Spring to Fall/Winter, please do so as soon as possible. This helps us from having to send your child home in preschool clothes.
- Please send in your disguise a turkey as soon as possible so we are able to display them before Thanksgiving break!
- Please continue to practice with your child having them put on their own coat and/or jacket. I still have a lot of friends come up to me and are waiting for me to put their jacket on them. A big part of preschool is independence and I would love to see more friends putting their jackets on themselves. Some things to work on would be flipping the sleeves the correct way, zipping and putting the coat/jacket on.
Important Dates in November
- Monday, November 13th will be a no school day. Please read the email that Mrs. Trachsel sent out on Tuesday, November 7th. Please continue to pray for the Hummel family.
- Tuesday, November 14th is an early dismissal. There will be no after school care that day.
- Tuesday, November 21st is our monthly praise assembly. The theme for the month of November is Hospitality.
- Wednesday, November 22nd through Friday, November 24th is Thanksgiving break.
- Mrs. Nikki will be taking her maternity leave starting at the beginning of Thanksgiving break. (November 22nd)
- Monday, November 27th is a no school day!
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