What a fun week. This week our theme was Happy Halloween! We focused on the letter Hh, the number 10, the color of orange and the shape of a rectangle. On Monday, we read "Clifford's First Halloween". During center time, the kiddos decorated their treat bag for our costume parade we had on Tuesday. On Tuesday, we celebrated Halloween all day long! We walked around and showed all of the other preschool classrooms our costumes and after that we paraded through the whole big school! We came back to our classroom and played Halloween memory match and playdoh! In the afternoon, we went on a Halloween scavenger with Miss Jay's friends. On Wednesday, we read "The Littlest Mummy". During center time, we made spider web names. The kiddos practiced matching the letters on the spider to the name at the top of their web! Please keep practicing your child's name at home. On Thursday, we read "Arthur's Halloween". During center time, we continued working on tracing lines. This is going to help us when we begin working more on writing our name without the letters behind them to trace. On Friday, we had P.E. We played a game called "Cat and Mouse" or line tag. The kiddos had to stay on the lines and try and to avoid being tagged by the cat! What a fun week that we got to have celebrating Halloween together! I will see everyone on Tuesday! Enjoy the photos from the week! Have a great weekend!
I have sent home a project for you to complete with your kiddo and return to school by Wednesday, November 15th. Please make sure you check your kiddos folder for the hide a turkey project.
A couple of reminders: Please make sure that you are clocking your child in and out each day! Keep working on having your kiddo put on their own coat or jacket and practice zipping it up on their own! Another great thing to practice is flipping the arms out of their jacket when they are inside out! This is a big time saver in our classroom when I am not having to put on 10 jackets every time we go outside.
Important Dates in November
- Monday, November 6th is a no school day!
- Tuesday, November 14th is an early dismissal. There will be no after school care that day.
- Tuesday, November 21st is our monthly praise assembly. The theme for the month of November is Hospitality.
- Wednesday, November 22nd through Friday, November 24th is Thanksgiving break.
- Mrs. Nikki will be taking her maternity leave starting at the beginning of Thanksgiving break. (November 22nd)
- Monday, November 27th is a no school day!
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