Friday, October 21, 2022

Week of October 17- October 21st

 This week our theme was Pumpkins! We focused on the letter Pp, the number 8, the color orange, and the shape of an oval. On Tuesday, we read "Pumpkins". We started our Pp word list! During center time, we made cards that will be sent to a Diocese in Florida to let them know we are all thinking of them after Hurricane Ian. We talked about what a hurricane is, how we can help someone that we don't know and why it is important to spread love to everyone around us and far away. On Wednesday, we read "Ten Little Pumpkins". During center time, we did step one of our jack-o-lantern project and painted out plates orange to make the base of the pumpkin. We also joined the big school in getting to see a preview of the musical "The Lion King" that St. Peter is putting on. This show will run Friday and Saturday at 7pm in Selinger Gym. On Thursday, we read "It's Pumpkin Time". During center time, we caught up on our ABC book and did C is for cotton balls and P is for Pink/Purple. The students got a chance to pick if they wanted to paint their p page pink or purple. It is so fun to see these books already growing so much from all of the letters that we have learned! On Thursday afternoon, we also got a chance to see my husband's squad car as he was unable to come last week during community helpers week! They got a chance to listen to him talk, show his squad car off and he even brought candy! :) On Friday, we spent our morning talking about what we were going to be doing at the pumpkin patch. WE read "The Pumpkin Patch". We went outside and did an obstacle course and played with chalk on the big flat with Ms. Jay's friend.  That afternoon we went to Fisher Farms pumpkin patch! Thank you to all of the parents who were able to join us! Enjoy the photos from this week! I will see you all on Monday! 

Important Dates in October

  • Report cards will go home on Friday, October 21st. Please return the file folder back to school signed as soon as possible. 
  • Parent teacher conference sign ups go home in report cards today. Please return on Monday so the office is able to start putting a schedule together. 
  • Parent teacher conferences are Wednesday, October 26th from 3:30 to 7:00 and Thursday, October 27th from 1:45 to 7:15. There will be no after school care on Wednesday or Thursday!
  • There is an early out on Thursday, October 27th. There will be no after school care that day. 
  • There is no school on Friday, October 28th. 
  • Our Halloween party will be Monday, October 31st. More information on our Halloween parade coming next week! 


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Week 27

We made it through a whole week and with beautiful weather to enjoy! This week we focused on the letter Ii. On Monday, we worked on the lett...