Friday, April 28, 2023

Week of April 24th - April 28th

How do I only have 3 weeks left with these little ones? I swear August was yesterday and now we are looking at the end of the year already! This week our theme was Zoo. We focused on the letter Zz, the number 1, the color black and the shape of a diamond. On Monday, we read "A Visit to the Sesame Street Zoo". During center time, the kiddos added stripes to a zebra by rolling a marble that was dipped in black paint across their zebra. We spent the day watching a live cam of the polar bear exhibit at the St. Louis Zoo. On Tuesday, we read "Never, Ever Shout in a Zoo". During center time, the kiddos added the Z is for zebra stripe page to their alphabet book. There are only 3 more pages to add! We continued to check in on the polar bear at the St. Louis Zoo. We even got to see the zookeeper cleaning up the cage and leaving some fresh food for the polar bear! On Wednesday, we read "Animal Strike At The Zoo". During center time, we worked on patterns by making a lion's mane! We watched more animals at zoos through live cameras! On Thursday, we read "Zoo Borns!". During center time, the kiddos practiced coloring and working on their numbers with a color by number. On Friday, we celebrated fun and fitness Friday! We ran zigzag around the cones, played with bubbles, painted with soapy water and ran around the playground while dancing to music. I would say a very successful P.E. Friday! We had a camp out in our room with some of Ms. Brittney's friends! In the afternoon, we went to our second to last praise assembly with the big school! I hope everyone has a wonder weekend! I will see you all on Monday for the beginning of our sweet treats week with lots of fun planned! Enjoy the photos from the week! 

Important dates in May

  • We will be going to Yoyums on May 2nd. Please bring $5 to participate. 
  • Tuesday, May 9th is an early out. There will be no aftercare.
  • Wednesday, May 17th is Summer Blast Off. Your child will need to bring a lunch that day as the cafeteria will be closed. I will send out more information as we get closer to that week! 
  • Thursday, May 18th is the last day of school. We will dismiss at 11:00 am. There will be no aftercare


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Week 26

I hope everyone had a good couple of snow days and stayed safe and warm. On Thursday, we combined with Miss Jay's friends and got to spe...